This year’s event was held at one of Pennsylvania’s top 20 golf courses, the always challenging LedgeRock. The event was hosted by former Ohio State University legend and the Philadelphia Eagles 1986 1st round draft pick, running back Keith Byars. The other celebrity hosts were one of the nations leading trauma surgeons, Dr. Ronald Moore from South Florida and country music artist, Timmy Brown. This year’s main event sponsor was Thompkins Vist Financial Services along with a host of other corporate sponsors and donors from Berks county. Unfortunately, no one was able to win the 2022 Jeep Wagoneer that was the donated prize by Savage 61, for making a hole in one on the 11th hole.
2022 JEEP Wagoneer Sponsored by SAVAGE 61 for a Hole in One

One of the highlights leading up to the golfing event was having Keith Byars, Dr. Moore and Barry Wenrich a former child resident of the Children’s Home of Reading from 1976 to 1977, tour several of the CHOR facilities and interact with many of the students that are currently enrolled at CHOR. Barry shared his captivating life story with the students and current staff on how his stay at CHOR has positively impacted and completely changed his life. He is currently a social worker that resides in Columbus, Ohio and an alumni of Ohio State University. He says his stay at CHOR as a youth has fueled his life long passion and dedication to changing the life of the kids he has counseled for the past 37 years.

Apis Services marketing department supported CHOR on this charity event and the company was well represented when it was time to golf. Ryan Smith, founder and CEO of Inperium was in attendance and Apis even had a quad group of our executives and managers in the golf tournament. “We love to partner and help with all of our affiliates marketing initiatives across the constellation and we definitely enjoyed working with CHOR on their annual golfing event”, said Donsville Savariau Apis Services VP of Marketing. The turnout for this years event was amazing with over 80 golfers and raised over $100k for CHOR in the process. “What a great day of golf! So wonderful to see so many friends of the Children’s Home come out to support our event. We thank all of our special guests and thank our community”, said Dr. Vincent LaSorsa, CEO of CHOR.
The day culminated with a musical performance by Timmy Brown and a awards ceremony inside the club house. The quad group with Keith Byars, Dr. Moore and Thompkins Vist Financial Services actually won this year’s scramble golf event by shooting a -9 under par and are looking forward to defending their title next year on May 2, 2023. Thanks to everyone that supported this event and look forward to other Apis supported affiliate events coming soon.
Apis's Executive Team and Managers L-R (Dan Stump, Tom Papa, Mark Kellenberger, Angela Scarduzzi, Donsville Savariau)