Welcome to Apis Services
Our Mission
Our mission is to deliver cost effective, general and administrative services to the Constellation allowing the affiliates to focus their daily time and energy on improving their programs and operations.
What We Do
Through a Management Services Agreement (MSA), Apis Services delivers the Constellation of affiliates general and administrative services – Finance, Information Technology, Human Resources, Benefits and Wellness, Insurance and Risk Management, Compliance and Legal Services, Fleet and Facility Management.
The Difference of Our Model
Apis Services assists Inperium, Inc. with delivering their promise to its affiliates of “Affiliation Without Concession”.
The typical consolidation structure is often affiliations between companies with similar service delivery to produce programmatic and operational efficiencies. In our model, through our Apis Service Agreements, we take a new approach – we consolidate the shared services of the affiliated companies, leaving the programmatic and operations untouched and under the full control of the affiliate’s Board of Directors and Executive Leadership. As the day-to-day operations remain in full control of the affiliate, our goal is to provide excellent, cost effective general and administrative services to the affiliates allowing them to reinvest savings and re-direct their efforts into improving the quality of their programs and services.
We Help Non-Profits Thrive!
In recent years, there has been an increase in mergers/acquisitions, asset transfers, and affiliations involving nonprofit & profit organizations; Inperium’s method uses a unique strategic alternative affiliation model to achieve business combinations. These “business combinations” have been necessary in an environment that has become more challenging for nonprofits to obtain the financial support needed to advance their missions.
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