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Category Archives: Diversity

Categories Apis Benefits Diversity Wellness


Apis Virtual Blood Drive

Apis Services’ employees had the opportunity to participate in a virtual blood drive between the months of April and July that was put together by the DEI and Wellness Teams.  These teams came together to offer this blood drive because according to the American Red Cross, the nation is facing its worst blood shortage in over a decade due to the pandemic and staffing limitations.  This poses a risk to continuing patient care.  One donation can help save more than one life. Thank you to all the participants!

Congratulations to Ted Sammons from Coras in Delaware, Lila Trusky and Kristi Rapp from Community Prevention Partnership in Reading, PA! They are the winners of the gift cards for gas!

 Be on the lookout for another blood drive in the future.

Categories Affiliates Apis Diversity


On June 18, 2021, President Biden proclaimed Juneteenth a federal holiday. While this holiday has been celebrated in some way, shape, or form since 1865, it has often passed by companies unnoticed. However, if you want to demonstrate to your staff that you value diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in your workplace, then thoughtfully recognizing Juneteenth is a must. 

So what is Juneteenth? How has it been celebrated historically? How does it tie into DEI in your business? We’ll discuss this and more below.

On June 19th, 1865, federal troops freed the last slaves in the United States in Galveston, Texas. Since then, June 19th — since shortened to “Juneteenth” — has been a day of celebration, treated as the “second independence day” for many Black Americans. Juneteenth celebrates both the end of slavery and African American culture and history. 

Juneteenth is typically celebrated through community events, backyard parties, and concentrated support for Black people and their businesses. However, since Juneteenth was not established as a federal holiday until 2021, many nonblack people are unsure of how to properly recognize and celebrate this holiday, employers included. 

Juneteenth in the Workplace

To demonstrate that DEI are valued in your workplace, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate Juneteenth; ignoring or forgetting this holiday will quickly make Black employees feel forgotten and undervalued in your company. How you approach this celebration, however, is up to you. 

A popular option is a paid holiday and encouragement to staff to participate in local celebrations and support Black creators. Another option is to host an event through your workplace or hold DEI training sessions to educate your staff on the importance of the day. 

However you choose to acknowledge this holiday, be sure to enjoy this Juneteenth thoughtfully with your company. By supporting Black voices, sharing Black culture and history, and celebrating the second independence day, you can help Black employees feel seen, heard, and respected in your place of business.

Categories Apis Diversity

The Importance of Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion in Today’s Corporate Workplace?

The Importance of Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion in Today’s Corporate Workplace

Within your workplace, you’ve likely heard of the term DEI, but what do diversity, equity, and inclusion mean? Moreover, what’s the difference between these terms? In this blog post, we tackle these questions, while explaining the importance of DEI and answering why companies must embrace DEI in our workplace.

What is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?

While there is a general lack of awareness in DEI, a simple definition of what each one means can solve this problem. Below is a quick breakdown of each category


Diversity refers to the differences between the people inside and outside of a company. It also covers the acceptance and understanding between these differences, which may include:

  • Gender
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Age
  • Disabilities and special needs
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Personality
  • Education
  • Experience
  • Background

However, the list isn’t limited to the examples above and can be expanded. It’s also important to consider the different perceptions that people have when it comes to the term diversity.


This term may also bear a different meaning from one company to another, but in general, it refers to being impartial and fair with everyone. Moreover, it talks about providing equal advancement and opportunity for everyone in the company, from the hiring process to their compensation.


An inclusive workplace will typically be supportive, collaborative, and respectful of everyone in the company. Inclusion is important in all organizations to encourage the contribution and participation of all employees.

Why Companies Should Embrace DEI

A company that’s dedicated to DEI not only aims to preserve diversity, equity, and inclusion but can also get a competitive advantage when it comes to both work and business. Here are just a few reasons why our business would benefit from building DEI programs:

Adapt DEI Practices Today

Don’t ignore just how powerful DEI can be. Including these practices in your company can renew the energy between employees and how your business runs overall.

It Helps Companies to Grow

Research shows that companies with a DEI mindset can create inclusive and diverse work environments that are both more creative and adaptable. A report by BCG confirms that companies with a wide range of diversity have a higher innovation revenue of up to 45%. Moreover, 66% of executives agree that DEI is a huge contributor to financial performance.

It Attracts the Best Talents

A company’s commitment to DEI can build up over time, where many can develop a kind of reputation that helps to attract and keep the best talent. However, this doesn’t surprise us, since 67% of individuals looking for a job consider diversity as a driving factor. In short, people are looking for inclusive, equitable, and diverse organizations.

Discrimination Loses More than it Gains

Apart from the ethical and moral consequences of being discriminatory against a particular individual at work, you don’t just send a negative message about your organization. Enabling discrimination can have severe consequences; you don’t just lose an employee, but you also lose money. An estimate by the Center for American Progress details that businesses lose $64 billion annually due to workplace discrimination.

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